Here at CNG Switch, we are dedicated to being as coherent as possible, however, we understand that on rare occasions mistakes will be made and our customers’ expectations may not be met.
If you feel that we have not achieved the level of service you require, you should let us know.
You can do this by either calling us on 01423 449333
Emailing us:
Writing to us:
CNG Switch Limited
1 Cardale Park,
We aim to resolve all complaints as quickly and effectively as possible. If this is not possible on the 1 st point of contact and needs further investigation, we will keep you informed when we aim to have a resolution.
All complaints will be dealt with within 20 working days, if this is not possible due to the complexity of the situation you will be informed, we will aim to have a resolution in less than 8 weeks.
We always advise our customers to seek advice if they are unhappy with the outcome of a complaint, they can do this by visiting Complain Now | Ombudsman Services (
This is a free service at no cost to you.
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